Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lil Durk Has Harsh Words For George Zimmerman (@lildurk)

George Zimmerman doesn't have to worry about fighting potential boxing competitors DMX and The Game, but he may have started an issue with Lil Durk.

Since the cancellation of the boxing match between the murderer of Trayvon Martin and DMX, another promoter tried to set up another fight which was also cancelled. The 'This Ain't What You Want' rapper got wind of the mess and tweeted a special message to Zimmerman:

"Fuk Zimmerman bring his ass to Chicago add em to the rate" he tweeted.

Over 100,000 people signed petitions to cancel the boxing matches, along with the general public showing the lack of respect that Zimmerman and the boxing promoters have for Trayvon's family.
