Porsha Williams has been called out over a song she recorded on Real Housewives of Atlanta.
According to the YBF, in the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Porsha Williams recorded the single "Perfectly Worthless." The producer, Pierre Medor is claiming the the reality star stole the song from him after a trial test.
In a letter to the YBF, Medor's rep says that the producer sent her the track but wasn't a fan of her version. He also claims that Porsha was aware that he didn't like her version but shot the scene anyway for the show.
"In the business more than one artist will record the same song hoping for the right outcome, as was the case with Perfectly Worthless," the rep said. "Porsha Stewart wanted a song, Pierre Medor wrote and produced this song in its entirety. Not having any previous point of reference for Porsha, we initially recorded the song for the purpose of determining her vocal abilities and how they would fit with this particular song; it was quickly determined that this song wasn't the best match for her, so we chose not to sell her the song and notified her management of our decision."
The producer passed the song to R&B songstress Syleena Johnson for her new album.
The rep also shared a critical opinion of Porsha after calling her 'delusional' for thinking that she would own the track.
"Perfectly Worthless" is a great song and she loves it...we get that," the rep said. "But just like every body doesn't look good in spandex, every voice doesn't fit every song. It's just unfortunate that Porsha has chosen to create another delusional marriage with this song by airing it and claiming to have taken part in its creation."
Source: theybf.com