Saturday, February 22, 2014

E! Producers Slam Reports Of Kimye Faking TV Engagement (@kimkardashian @kanyewest)

Kayne West's extravagant proposal to Kim Kardashian was seen in full all over the country last week on the E! hit TV show. Since then, there have been whispers about the whole engagement being staged as fans saw Kim wearing the engagement ring in a previous episode.

The scene in question, is a moment on the show where Kim is folding her daughter North's clothes while her sisters tease her. In the shot, viewers can see the huge ring.

The producers of the show released a statement saying the scene was shot after the engagement and was moved up to fill the story line of Kim's sisters's making fun of her.

"The footage of Kim folding baby clothes, while wearing her engagement ring, although filmed after the proposal, was a better fit for the first episode of the two-part engagement special because we wanted part two to focus on the surprise that was to come.'

Given the reactions of everyone after the proposal, do you think it was just for the cameras?
