Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bill O'Reilly: Black Americans Are Poor Because of Obama (@oreillyfactor @BarackObama)

Speaking on his show "O'Reilly Factor" on Thursday Jan. 30th, Bill O'Reilly noted that black Americans are among President Obama's most dedicated and enduring supporters. But O'Reilly also goes on to reveal some video footage in which two black men criticize Obama.

O'Reilly would then ransition to talking about how black Americans are struggling in the lackluster economic recovery, citing high rates of unemployment and a lower median household income. "So, after five years in office, President Obama has not really lifted the fortunes of African Americans," O'Reilly continues. "The question is, why not?"

In an article published on the Fox News website, O'Reilly also cites marriage out of wedlock is a contributing factor to the many being poor. "In 1963, just 6 percent of American babies are born out of wedlock. Now 41 percent are and that includes 72 percent of African- American babies," reads a snippet from the O'Reilly article. "According to Heritage, single parent homes are four times more likely to be living in poverty. And children raised by single parents are three times more likely to end up in prison, 50 percent more likely to be poor as adults."

Source: Salon