Sunday, April 13, 2014

Drake Visits Young Cancer Patient In Houston (@Drake)

Terminally-ill cancer patient Kennedy Brown got her wish to meet her favorite rapper Drake.

Brown a student from Carnegie Vanguard High School, was recently in the news after her friends gave her a special prom and graduation after her brain cancer worsened. Brown suffers from an aggressive form of brain cancer and wouldn't be able to finish school.

After the big event, her friends and family rallied online the hashtag #DrakeForKen, with hopes that Kennedy would meet Drake.It was a big suprise for Brown since she thought he was just making her personalized video.

Instead, the two spent some time together with the rapper planting a kiss on the blushing fan.

Drake posted some of the moments on Instagram with the caption, "All these beautiful people #drakeforken turned into #kenfordrake I am so happy,"

Take a look at the precious moments above.