Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Twitter Goes Off on "Misogynist" Robin Thicke During #AskThicke (@robinthicke)

If the #AskDraya and #AskRKelly trending topics of the past have taught the public anything, it's that Twitter has absolutely no chill when it comes to celebs attempting to connect with fans online. During official BET and CRWN trending topics, Draya and R. Kelly were completely slandered. Apparently VH1 didn't get the memo and took a shot with #AskThicke, where fans could ask the R&B crooner whatever they wanted, and as per Twitter, the Q&A was anything but cordial.

Twitter immediately flooded the trending topic with accusations of misogyny, mostly based on his smash single "Blurred Lines," for its lyrical content and accompanying video that many found degrading towards women. Quite a few people took shots at Thicke's unstable marriage to actress Paula Patton as well.

Check out some of the awkward #AskThicke questions above.

Source: buzzfeed.com