Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Christ Bearer Wants to Do Porn to Prove His Penis Works [VIDEO]

Guess who’s back? Christ Bearer, the rapper who infamously severed his penis during a suicide attempt, has recovered and is back on his rap grind.

TMZ caught the Wu-Tang affiliated rapper, outside of a barber shop in Long Beach, Calif., and he was all fired up. In the midst of him babbling about his upcoming CD, the cameraman asked him about his manhood and whether or not it’s still in working condition.

Bearer, whose real name is Andre Johnson, appeared agitated by the question but answered it in a very unusual way.

TMZ: “Does it work?”

Christ Bearer: “Does it work?!? Can Chris Brown dance? Can Kanye West rant? Can Jay Z fight off a trick?”

The answer to those three questions is yes. But that’s beside the point.

To prove that his penis is fully functional, Bearer is interested in doing porn. Shockingly, a porn tycoon has expressed some interest in having the rapper “perform.”

Steve Hirsch, the owner of adult entertainment company Vivid, told TMZ that he’s definitely interested but wants to check out “the goods” first before he makes an offer.

On a much brighter note, Bearer did offer some bit of wisdom in the video.

“Kids don’t do drugs,” he said. “Say no to drugs.”

We agreed wholeheartedly.