Sunday, April 27, 2014

KKK Jewish Center Killer Once Caught With Tranny Black Hooker

Frazier Glenn Miller, the suspect in the Kansas Jewish Center killings, has a rather questionable past.

According to Gawker, the white supremacist and former KKK member was caught having sex with a black transgendered prostitute.

The 73-year-old was given a new identity at age 49 by the federal government in 1990 after serving time in prison for the murder of four young girls. After looking into his records, police discovered many of his past crimes, including being caught in back seat of a car having sex with a male prostitute.

Former federal prosecutor J. Douglas McCullough says they were shocked given his disgust and hatred of other races, but could not find any further information on the matter.

"It was pretty shocking," says McCullough, "because of his personal stances that he had taken and what he was now accused of engaging in."

He also mentioned that he didn't want to go into specifics about the case.

"I would rather not go into the details," he said. "They're rather salacious. I think the facts speak for themselves and people can draw their own conclusions about how incongruous that is."

Miller reportedly told police that he was trying to lure the prostitute into his car to beat him up.

Miller is currently being held on a $10 million dollar bond for the murder of three people outside of a Jewish Community center in Kansas.
