Monday, April 28, 2014

Bill O'Reilly: Beyonce Encourages Black Teens to Get Pregnant (@Eboni_K, @beyonce)

Bill O'Reilly has taken issue with Beyonce's sexual image in the past and is bringing it up once more, this time debating the issue with radio talk show host Eboni Williams and President of Concerned Women for America, Penny Nance.

The trio of talking heads discussed whether Beyonce has the cultural influence worthy of her Time Magazine cover, whether or not said influence is positive, and how she may or may not be encouraging young women to be promiscuous through her costume and lyric choices.

Nance & O'Reilly agreed that while Beyonce is no doubt influential, she is not empowering women in any way, but instead is influencing young girls to behave in a manner that has led to high numbers of teen pregnancies in the black community. Williams countered that there is more than one way to be empowering and that society placing value on sexuality is not Beyonce's fault. O'Reilly wasn't buying it.

Watch the complete discussion above.

Source: HuffingtonPost