Thursday, March 20, 2014

Woman Dies After Attempting Breast Augmentation With Vaseline

A 39-year-old Argentinian woman died after injecting Vaseline into her breasts in an attempt to make them bigger.

Sonia Perez Llanzon suffered a fatal blood clot in her lungs a month after being admitted to the hospital with breathing problems following the procedure. The clot was caused by Vaseline entering her bloodstream, reports Rosario, Argentina newspaper 'La Capital.'

"She denied everything at first but then confessed she had injected Vaseline into them," said Julio Pla, Head of Surgery at Lucio Molas Hospital in Santa Rosa, 350 miles southwest of Buenos Aires.

"I've never seen a case like this. The human body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses but it hasn't got any mechanisms against this type of product."

Llanzon, a marathon runner and boxer, suffered third degree burns last year while sunbathing, according to local media.

"She was obsessed with her appearance," said an unnamed friend.
