Saturday, February 22, 2014

Steve J Owes Over A Million Dollars In Child Support (@hitmansteviej)

Love and Hip star and producer Steve J is in hot water with the court and his ex.

According to AllHipHop, the reality star was hit with a subpoena at his new restaurant "Sleazy & Zino" by Project Child Support. The group helps single parents with assuring that the child payments are up to date.

His ex wife Carol Burnett sued Steve J for over a million dollars in unpaid child support, allegedly claiming that he missed over 100 payments in the past few years. The producer is now required to show the courts his tax statements and pay stubs.

Reports have shown in the past that the producer would allegedly go to extreme measures to avoid paying child support. Some of the measures include changing his name and business.

No word on when Steve would face a judge for the allegations.
