Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kat Dahlia Is Stylish and Obsessive in 'Crazy' Video

Love can drive you insane — just ask Kat Dahlia. The R&B singer is quite obsessive over her new love in her latest video for ‘Crazy.’

The Miami native is also fashionable and fierce as she wears a myriad of stylish outfits for the Rankin-directed visual. We’re particularly fond of her black mini-dress with the piano keys print and her high-heeled stilettos.

“Is it crazy that I told my ex don’t call no more ’cause I’m in love? / Isn’t crazy that I keep your shirt right here just to smell your cologne? / Damn, that sound crazy,” she sings. Sounds like you got the love jones, Dahlia.

‘Crazy’ will appear on the chanteuse’s upcoming debut opus ‘My Garden,’ due in the spring.

Unfortunately, the 23-year-old singer is experiencing a crazy situation with her health. She recently went on Twitter to announce that she had to cancel her nine-city tour.

Get well Kat Dahlia!