Monday, September 8, 2014

Snoop Dogg to Host Battle Rap Competition Before 2014 BET Hip Hop Awards


After hinting that he was doing something real big for the battle rap scene, we now know what Snoop Dogg is up to. The veteran rhyme-slinger is hosting a battle rap event called Snoop Dogg’s Gladiator School during BET Hip Hop Awards Weekend.

New York battle rap legend Murda Mook will co-host the event with Snoop, which takes place on Sept. 19 at the Masquerade in Atlanta.

Several of the top male and female battle rappers will enter in an emcee battle royale to be crowned king (or queen) of battle rap. The Doggfather is even allowing amateurs to get in on the fun as well.

Snoop is asking up-and-coming rappers to submit a 30-60 second video featuring their best bars. Rappers should post the videoon Twitter with the hashtag #GladiatorSchool and tag @SnoopDogg.

Finalists will then appear in the competition and, who knows, might get a chance to show off their lyrical skills at the 2014 BET Hip Hop Awards, which will be held on Sept. 20.

The current battle lineup for Gladiator School includes:


E Hart (NY) vs. O’fficial (New Orleans)

Ms. Murk (VA) vs. Chayna Ashley (NY)

Phara Funeral (NY) vs. Couture (Rhode Island)


TRex (NY) vs. Rum Nitty (Phoenix)

Young B (LA) vs. B Magic (St. Louis)

Hitman Holla (St. Louis) vs. Calicoe (Detroit)

John John (Atlanta ) vs. Arsonal (Ft. Lauderdale)

*Contest Winner vs. Wild Card*

For more information, head over to Snoop Dogg’s Gladiator School website.

Watch Snoop Dogg Present Gladiator School