Sunday, July 6, 2014

Father Leaves Daughter with Loaded Gun to Get Head Tattoo

An Albuquerque, New Mexico native is facing child endangerment charges after he left his 11-year-old daughter with a loaded gun while he headed to get a head tattoo.

According to Raw Story, John Ruiz was arrested and placed on a $15,000 bond after worried neighbors spotted the girl with .22 caliber pistol under her towel at the neighborhood pool.

Ruiz's daughter gave several statements to the police about the gun. She claimed that her dad told her the gun is for protection, and that her dad leaves it all over the house, including the counter and under his pillow.

Ruiz says he made a mistake, and he didn't instruct his daughter to use the gun at all.

"You guys don't know about harassment by the neighbors or anything else," he said. "We're good people, I don't know what to tell you. I did nothing wrong. I made a mistake, that's it. I left a weapon unlocked, and my daughter — and they twisted everything around."
