Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rihanna Sued for Alleged Plagiarism In "Rockstar 101" Video (@rihanna)

Rihanna can't seem to keep her name out of the headlines, and this time artist James Clar is the one putting it there, suing the pop superstar for plagiarism.

Clar claims Riri copied his 2006 piece, "You & Me" for her 2010 video, "Rockstar 101," saying his piece was comprised of "neon tubes stuck to a ceiling that spell 'you' and more tubes below it that spell 'me.'" Allegedly Rihanna simply changed the words to "Rock" and "Star"

Clar is determined to win his case, filing the suit in France where plagiarism laws are more favorable. He can do so because the video was published on

He is seeking 4.9 million euros in damages, which is about $6.64 million.

Source: The Art Daily News