Saturday, June 7, 2014

Brandon Jennings Calls Out LeBron James For Leaving Game 1 (@kingjames)

Lebron James' prompt exit from Game 1 of the Finals caused a major uproar with fans and a few comments from Brandon Jennings.

After the AC blew out during the big game, the player suffered a leg cramp that caused him to exit early from the game.

Jennings tweeted his thoughts on the game on Thursday.

"Oh so the AC is the problem. The Spurs was playing also. Just saying" he tweeted.

Since the tweet, the Pistons guard has deleted the tweet and his Twitter account.

James talked about his exit after the game claiming that he wanted to return but Heat coach Erik Spolestra refused.

"I was going to try to give it a go and Spo said, 'No,' " James said. "It sucks at this point in time in the season."

Source:, USA Today