Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Seth Rogen Talks Beef With Justin Bieber: He's a Piece of S*** (@sethrogen @justinbieber)

Neighbors star and funnyman Seth Rogen expressed his feelings about Justin Bieber and why he isn't a fan of the singer.

In an interview with Howard Stern, Rogen shared his experience meeting Bieber. He said the singer was very off putting and rude.

"He's a good example of someone who you meet, who you think you're going to hate, and then you get to hate him," he said. The comedian says that Bieber's attitude turned him off, which prompted him to call him a "piece of sh***" on Twitter.

"F*** this kid," Rogen said.

He also compared his Neighbors co-star Zac Efron to the singer, calling him more humble and aware than the teen idol.

Check out what else he had to say about the singer at the 39:00 mark above.