Saturday, May 17, 2014

Odd Future Explains Controversial Use of the OTHER F-Word (@fucktyler @earlxsweat)

The guys of Odd Future stopped by the Huffington Post on Thursday to promote the latest season of their hit show "Loiter Squad" on Adult Swim.

The guys were asked by Huff Post Live's Ricky Camilleri about the high use of the n-word and f-word (not the 4-letter one) in their music. Tyler the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt provided a clear reason why both words are fair game in their lyrics.

"What a crazy world it would be in which we were the evolved ones?" Earl said. ""In an ideal world, we'd be able to explain it and it's all good. There has to be a category for everything, so us saying 'f****t' has to be homophobia."

The gang explained that the use of their word doesn't mean anything at all and that their gay fans are fully aware of it.

"Find any 17-year-old kid that doesn't use that word," Tyler added. "People are so gone like they're stuck in a bubble. People say n**** all the time but people don't say anything because they got used to it. They're f******g stuck."

"It all comes down to context." Earl said.
