Sunday, May 4, 2014

Beyonce Gets Parodied in 'SNL' Skit

We all love Beyonce, right? But what would happen if you say a bad word about Queen Bey? On ‘Saturday Night Live,’ they premiered a fake trailer, which featured a man on the run after revealing that he thought Beyonce’s ‘Drunk in Love’ was OK.

The hilarious trailer for the thriller ‘The Beygency,’ features SNL host Andrew Garfield being hunted down by a government agency after he admitted that wasn’t crazy about one of Beyonce’s songs.

In the preview, ’24’ star Kiefer Sutherland makes a cameo as Jack Bauer and warns Garfield to disappear by going to “the left, to the left.” Get it?

In the end, Garfield does get captured and is thrown in a cell with another prisoner who didn’t dance at a wedding when Beyonce’s ‘Crazy in Love’ came on.

The film’s premise is chilling and hilarious at the same time.

Watch the video, but be warned it’s rated NC-17, “for mild language against Beyonce.”