Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Marsha Ambrosius: A Lot of Artists Care About Image, Not Music (@MarshaAmbrosius)

E-Money of got an exclusive interview with singer/songwriter extraordinaire Marsha Ambrosius and chopped it up about singing at the legendary Five Spot in Philadelphia, being in "Best Man Holiday," and her days on the basketball court.

Right away they got into the now closed Five Spot in Philly where artists like Bilal and Jill Scott hit the stage, challenging each other to be better artists. They also discussed how so many artists today are more concerned with getting the right look than making good music.

She also revealed how humbled she was to be a part of "The Best Man Holiday" and revealed she's actually writing films right now.

She then got into her passion for b-ball, and how an ankle injury pushed her in the direction of music, back before she took her talent seriously.

Check out the interview above.