Monday, April 14, 2014

Exclusive! Ty-Law: Vets Are on TV Choking in Every Battle (@TyListenAnWatch, @Prez_Mafia)

URL up and comers Mr. Wavy, Ty-Law and Prez Mafia sat down with VladTV to discuss the impact television is having on Battle Rap, and how it's more important than ever for MCs to step up their game with so many eyes on the culture.

They first discuss upcoming and recent battles, with Mr. Wavy soon battling New Orleans' HA Double and both Prez Mafia and Ty-Law competing on the BET Ultimate Freestyle Friday. They then get into Eminem and Slaughterhouse's battle rap show on MTV, with Ty-Law saying the vets were on TV choking every round.

Check out the interview above.