Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donald Sterling To V. Stiviano: 'How Can We Make This Go Away?'

Donald Sterling has reached out to his former mistress following the tapes heard all over the sports word.

According to TMZ , the owner of the LA Clippers asked V. Stiviano "How do we make this go away?" following the huge backlash from the Clippers, fans, and sponsors.

Sterling was instructed to talk to the model's lawyers regarding any kind of settlement deals.

The 31-year-old woman who also goes by Vanessa Maria Perez and Monica Gallegos has over 100 hours of audio that prove Sterling's dislike of African Americans and other minorities.

When asked why she had so many recorded videos, Stiviano says that she would often record their conversations because he would often forget what he was saying.

Other sources say that the model is shopping around for a book deal. Recently she tagged a photo on Instagram with the hastags #RandomHouse" and "#Simon&Schuster; two of the biggest publishing companies in the country.