Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Activist Calls To Boycott Kobe After Trayvon Martin Comments (@kobebryant)

Kobe Bryant's comments on Trayvon Martin have pushed an activist to boycott the player.

According to Fox News, Najee Ali, director of Project Islamic H.O.P.E. and supporter of Trayvon Martin called for a boycott of Kobe Bryant and his merchandise.

"African American youth should no longer buy Bryant's jerseys or shoes and should boycott all products he endorses," Ali said in a statement. "Bryant doesn't identify with the struggle that our African-American youth face nationally. So why should we continue to support Bryant who has never truly identified with the African American experience."

Ali also sent a special message to the Martin family on Facebook after Kobe's comments on Friday.

"I'm not a ball player like Kobe Bryant. But God put me on this earth to help people. I'm going to speak up for Trayvon Martin because he can't speak himself. To my friend Sybrina Fulton Trayvon's mom. We love you. L.A has your family's back. We'll keep dealing with Kobe. You keep staying strong. Najee Ali"

Kobe's was interviewed by the New Yorker and sparked a debate Thursday after criticism of African American intent when supporting the Trayvon Martin case in 2013. "I won't react to something just because I'm supposed to, because I'm an African-American." he said.

Source: sandrarose.com