Monday, March 31, 2014

Stephen A. Smith: Kobe's Trayvon Martin Comment was "On Point" (@stephenasmith, @)

ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith recently sat down with late night talk show host Arsenio Hall to share his opinion on NBA superstar Kobe Bryant's recent controversial statement in The New Yorker, where he critiqued the intent of many African Americans blindly dupporting the Trayvon Martin case, stating "I won't react to something just because I'm supposed to, because I'm an African-American."

Smith broke down what he believes Kobe meant by the statement:

"Kobe Bryant basically has the attitude that justice should be equal no matter what, whether it's regards to race or gender, and that was his position. All he was trying to say was that "excuse me, let's listen to the facts first, let's make sure we know everything before we jump out and judge accordingly. You can't sit there and take somebody's side just because they're an African-American. You can't turn around and assume that people of other races are ever going to be fair to you if are not willing to exercise fairness personally, I think that he was right and on point with that."

Watch Smith break it all down above. Do he and Kobe have a point, or are they being insensitive?