Friday, March 7, 2014

Charles Barkley: ESPN Manufactures Controversies (@espn)

Charles Barkley has never been one to bite his tongue, and in a recent interview on The Dan Patrick Show, he put ESPN on full blast, accusing them of manufacturing stories and controversies.

"In sports, they want you to be stars and then when you don't win, they blame the stars," Barkley said. "I call it the ESPN disease. They have a couple diseases over there at ESPN. Every guy acts like they know everything about every sport. It drives me crazy."

Barkley also said that ESPN has asked him to join the network several times, but he continues to turn them down.

Check out his remarks on ESPN at the 10:10 mark, or listen to the whole interview, where he also shares his thought of Lebron's career high 61 point game against the Charlotte Bobcats, Carmelo Anthony's shaky Knicks situation and his resistance to go clubbing with his teammates back in the day.