Sunday, February 9, 2014

George Zimmerman Fight Against DMX Called Off By Promoter (@DMX)

The celebrity boxing match between George Zimmerman and DMX has been canceled by the promoter.

Many people were against the fight from the beginning, but Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman has had a change of heart over the weekend. According to Reuters, Feldman called off the fight last night via Twitter. He also claims that he had to hire security due to death threats he received in organizing the fight.

Done with George Zimmerman if you had a major payday sitting in front of you, I know no one else would walk away like I did ***Next!!," he tweeted.

He also announced that he would have a special press conference about the decision on Tuesday.

In a separate announcement, DMX's publicist released a statement about the fight, claiming that DMX never agreed to the fight in the first place.

"Damon Feldman has announced that the George Zimmerman fight is cancelled via his Twitter. As previously stated, DMX never agreed to the fight and we thank you for all of the support from DMX's fans. This situation will not affect any of DMX's upcoming concerts in America or around the world."

Petitions created against the fight garnered over 100,000 signatures and a Facebook page received over 300,000 'likes.'

Source: Reuters